Insights, reports and interviews from the Mena region
Company size of TA Telecom quadrupled between 2006 and 2008 and then more than doubled between 2011 and 2014.
Revenue of TA Telecom grew 560% in five years (2009-2014), ranking on Deloitte’s Fast 500 EMEA and Fast 50 Africa.
Of the largest 100 companies, 77 in the US and 49 in MENA collaborate with startups.
Of the collaborating companies in the US, 50% have a strategic approach compared to 14% in MENA.
80+% of new ecosystem institutions created since 2010 have been launched by local MENA stakeholders.
68% of UAE startups said finding talent was a challenge.
Kharabeesh generates revenue primarily through online advertising.
Until September 2013, YouTube monetization was only available in three Arab countries.
By and large digital Arabic content (DAC) creators in MENA must rely on the advertising model to generate revenues.
DAC creators have few opportunities to generate revenue through advertising and thus face difficulties in sustaining and scaling.
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