A Look at Social Media Consumption in the Arab World [Infographic]
![A Look at Social Media Consumption in the Arab World [Infographic]](https://cdn.wamda.com/feature-images/dfaf074cf2f11d9.jpg)
Discover Digital Arabia (DDA), in partnership with EffectiveMeasure and supported by N2V, published yesterday its latest infographic on Social Media Consumption in Arabia, illustrating users participation and activities while being active on top social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google+, Tumblr, Visua.ly and MySpace.
The most relevant number showcased by the infographic is related to how these social media platforms add value to the consumers' experience, where 62% voted for providing recommendations to expand interests, over finding interesting content, promotions, networking and sharing local content.
Throughout the infographic, the rest of the results are quite expected, like for Facebook to have only 1% of votes answering "I have never heard of the site", and Youtube 68% voting for "entertainment" being the main reason behind visiting the site.
Click on the infographic or here for a bigger version.